"The purpose of this Association shall be to purchase and hold land and valuable goods in common for use by its members in accordance with principles of cooperative, organic, sustainable culture and agriculture." - Zephyr Articles of Incorporation, Section II.
ZVCC welcomes all persons, irrespective of religion, race, age, marital/family status, sexual orientation, physical & mental abilities, political affiliation, or national origin.
However it is important to understand that living in a cooperative housing community requires a specific set of qualities and skills. Before joining this community, you should carefully review the ideas below to decide whether ZVCC is the right community for you. Keep in mind that many of these attributes can be developed while you are progressing towards membership.
Before joining ZVCC, you will need to discover your personal answers to three questions:
(1) Do you want to live in a community governed by consensus?
(2) Do you want to live in a rural area?
(3) Is ZVCC the right consensus-based rural community for you?
Zephyr has created the Membership Pathway to help you find answers to the questions above, as you get to know the existing membership. Throughout your journey, you will have time to meet with members to discuss your thoughts about the above questions, and to learn about member perspectives and experiences living in this community. The process is designed for reciprocal relationship building as you discover answers to the above questions, and as the membership determines if you are a good fit for the community.
However it is important to understand that living in a cooperative housing community requires a specific set of qualities and skills. Before joining this community, you should carefully review the ideas below to decide whether ZVCC is the right community for you. Keep in mind that many of these attributes can be developed while you are progressing towards membership.
Before joining ZVCC, you will need to discover your personal answers to three questions:
(1) Do you want to live in a community governed by consensus?
(2) Do you want to live in a rural area?
(3) Is ZVCC the right consensus-based rural community for you?
Zephyr has created the Membership Pathway to help you find answers to the questions above, as you get to know the existing membership. Throughout your journey, you will have time to meet with members to discuss your thoughts about the above questions, and to learn about member perspectives and experiences living in this community. The process is designed for reciprocal relationship building as you discover answers to the above questions, and as the membership determines if you are a good fit for the community.
Categories of Association with Zephyr
Friend of Zephyr
Social friend - on our social invite list for potlucks and other events.
Interested Party (IP)
Anyone interested in entering the Membership Pathway.
Associate Member (AM)
An individual who has been approved by a full consensus decision and is actively working toward becoming a Full Member by completing the steps outlined below.
Full Member (FM)
An individual who has been approved by a full consensus decision and is actively working toward becoming a Full Member by completing the steps outlined below.
In-active Member:
A Full Member not required to pay dues or attend meetings. Can attend meetings but cannot block consensus.
Acquired Member
An individual who is not a Full Member of this association, but who has acquired a dwelling, housing infrastructure or a non-residential building (completed or partially built) in a legal transfer from a Full Member, resulting from a contractual default, court-ordered probate or other court-ordered process.
Non-Members Guests
A Full Member should notify the Co-op of any adult moving into their home who is staying over 30 days. Members cannot provide lodging for a new resident without the Co-op’s prior approval, which will normally automatically be granted only in three cases:
(1) A Full Member’s adult children who are not in school,
(2) Infirm, disabled or sick relatives of a Full Member,
(3) A new partner or spouse of a Full Member.
In the first two cases, there would be no expectation that the adult child/relative would become a member, though either could submit an application in the normal manner. The Full Member will be responsible for paying the monthly contribution to the Co-op while the guest remains a resident at Zephyr. A new partner or spouse would automatically be given AM status and be expected to contribute the Associate Member Investment and monthly contribution. All residents are expected to complete a background check at their expense, comply with the Co-op’s rules and sign an agreement to do so.
Social friend - on our social invite list for potlucks and other events.
Interested Party (IP)
Anyone interested in entering the Membership Pathway.
Associate Member (AM)
An individual who has been approved by a full consensus decision and is actively working toward becoming a Full Member by completing the steps outlined below.
Full Member (FM)
An individual who has been approved by a full consensus decision and is actively working toward becoming a Full Member by completing the steps outlined below.
- Active Member: A Full Member who is paying dues, attending meetings and fully participating in decision making and community life.
- Quorum Member: An Active Full Member who is counted in the required quorum for meetings.
- Non-quorum member: An Active Full Member who is not counted in the required quorum for meetings but can fully participate in consensus when they attend meetings.
In-active Member:
A Full Member not required to pay dues or attend meetings. Can attend meetings but cannot block consensus.
Acquired Member
An individual who is not a Full Member of this association, but who has acquired a dwelling, housing infrastructure or a non-residential building (completed or partially built) in a legal transfer from a Full Member, resulting from a contractual default, court-ordered probate or other court-ordered process.
Non-Members Guests
A Full Member should notify the Co-op of any adult moving into their home who is staying over 30 days. Members cannot provide lodging for a new resident without the Co-op’s prior approval, which will normally automatically be granted only in three cases:
(1) A Full Member’s adult children who are not in school,
(2) Infirm, disabled or sick relatives of a Full Member,
(3) A new partner or spouse of a Full Member.
In the first two cases, there would be no expectation that the adult child/relative would become a member, though either could submit an application in the normal manner. The Full Member will be responsible for paying the monthly contribution to the Co-op while the guest remains a resident at Zephyr. A new partner or spouse would automatically be given AM status and be expected to contribute the Associate Member Investment and monthly contribution. All residents are expected to complete a background check at their expense, comply with the Co-op’s rules and sign an agreement to do so.
Process for Entering and Progressing Along The Membership Pathway
To Become an Interested Party (IP) - After attending at least one ZVCC social event, request IP status with an email or letter describing interest in joining a rural intentional community, particularly ZVCC – approval granted by quorum decision at a regular business meeting. (Full group consensus is not required.) A contact person will assist the IP navigate the early membership process and will communicate about upcoming community events.
- Encouraged to attend potlucks and other social gatherings.
- May attend open business meetings.
- May receive minutes of business meetings.
- Can jump right onto the Membership Pathway as an IP, do not need to be a FOZ first.
- Does not have the right to live on the property during this phase.
To Become an Associate Member (AM) - Announce intent to become Associate Member at a regular business meeting. We expect that completion of the following steps will take a minimum of one month, but could take longer. No maximum has been set.
- The IP attends at least one business meeting and one social gathering.
- The IP meets individually with each Full Member to discuss possible associate membership.
- The IP understands that a closed meeting will be held prior to their asking for associate membership, where Full Members will discuss any possible concerns.
- The IP signs an agreement to have a background check conducted at their expense (verifying full name & birth date from a valid current driver’s license, and checking for a criminal record).
- The IP submits a formal request to the Co-op requesting AM status. (Approval granted by full consensus decision of all active Full Members.)
- Upon clearing the background check, and obtaining full consensus on associate membership, AM status by the Co-op is granted.
- The new Associate Member will need to sign the Agreement to abide by the provisions of the Bylaws and the Community Policies Handbook.
- The new Associate Member will pay the Associate Member investment ($100).
- A sponsor will be appointed to mentor the AM on their progress toward Full Membership.
To Become a Full Member (FM) - We expect that completion of the following steps will take a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 18 months. A 6-month extension may be granted to a party for transitioning off the farm, in the event they do not become full members. (We do not require, but do recommend experiencing all 4 seasons on the farm, prior to deciding to live here long-term.)
- The AM demonstrates they have the qualities & skills needed to live at ZVCC (detailed throughout this document).
- The AM attends a majority of our twice-a-month meetings.
- The AM meets with all Full Members individually during the initial 6 months of associate membership to get a more in-depth understanding of community life.
- You are encouraged to ask questions about each Member’s experiences and reasons for joining ZVCC; about the community finances, history, vision, etc. You will find that Members will want to know your thoughts about cooperative living and will make time available to meet with you.
- The “New Member Self Evaluation” document may be a useful tool to spark conversation.
- You are encouraged to ask questions about each Member’s experiences and reasons for joining ZVCC; about the community finances, history, vision, etc. You will find that Members will want to know your thoughts about cooperative living and will make time available to meet with you.
- The AM becomes familiar with ZVCC’s Bylaws and major policies - especially details concerning land use, animals, and financial responsibilities. Make sure that you can comply with them.
- The AM attends at least one of each committee meetings:
- Financial Stability Committee (F$C) to understand the financial history and structure of the Co-op
- Housing & Infrastructure Committee (HIC) to understand policies and procedures around housing and Co-op common space – yard & pet policies
- Sustainable Land Use Group (SLUG) to understand land use & leases, invasives control, hunting policy, etc.
- Active Community Committee (ACC) to ask membership questions and get engaged with community events
- Financial Stability Committee (F$C) to understand the financial history and structure of the Co-op
- The AM serves on at least one committee.
- The AM contributes financially.
- If you are living at Zephyr, you pay the normal monthly residence assessment, which is fixed annually in our budget process.
- There is an additional dumpster fee based on size of household.
- If you are living at Zephyr, you pay the normal monthly residence assessment, which is fixed annually in our budget process.
- The AM understands the Rights & Responsibilities of Associate Membership. (See below)
- The AM has reviewed the Associate-to-Full Member checklist.
- The AM participates in membership check-ins.
- Structured check-ins at 6, 12, & 18 months during business meetings
- Informal check-ins at 3, 9, & 15 months during business meetings
- Structured check-ins at 6, 12, & 18 months during business meetings
- The AM understands that there will be closed meetings prior to the 6, 12, & 18 month check-ins for Full Members to discuss any concerns about the AM’s membership process
- The AM meets individually with each active Full Member prior to asking for Full Membership.
- @ or before 6-month point in Associate Membership, as described above
- Before asking for Full Membership
- (And in the event that there are issues requiring additional meetings)
- Minimum of 2 individual meetings with members if requesting Full Membership at 6-month point
- If requesting Full Membership after the 6-month point, another individual meeting with all Full Members is required.
- @ or before 6-month point in Associate Membership, as described above
- The AM brings a proposal for Full Membership to a business meeting. (Approval granted by full consensus of all active Full Members.)
- The AM asks for a 6-month extension of associate membership at each 6-month point until ready to ask for Full Membership.
Transition to Full Membership
Upon obtaining full group consensus on Full Membership, FM status is granted by the Co-op.
Upon obtaining full group consensus on Full Membership, FM status is granted by the Co-op.
- The new Full Member will receive a signed and numbered Full Membership Certificate from the Co-op.
- The new Full Member is encouraged to have a plan in place for acquiring (rent, purchase or build) long-term housing at Zephyr.
- The new Full Member will pay the Full Membership Investment ($10,000) or pay the Initial Membership Investment ($2,500 minimum) and sign a purchase agreement for the balance ($7,500).
- ZVCC has the right to require proof or assurances of the AM to meet their financial obligations.
Rights and Responsibilities of Associate members
An Associate Member:
- is actively considering applying for Full Membership in the Co-op and is willing to invest a good deal of time and energy over a period of at least 6 months exploring the possibility of joining ZVCC.
- has the right to live on the Co-op’s land as long as they continue to explore membership as an Associate Member.
- We don’t require Associate Members to live at Zephyr. However, our experience has shown that it is difficult or impossible to gain the experience necessary for decision making about joining the community without living close enough to spend a significant amount of time on the farm and interacting with members. We recommend that Associate Members live on the farm or at least nearby (within 60 miles) during the time that you are considering membership.
- In the event that the Co-op decides not to offer Full Membership to the Associate Member, their Associate Membership is terminated and the right to live on Co-op property ceases. (An extension, not to exceed 6 months, may be offered by the Co-op for transitioning off of the farm.)
- has no right to own, improve, or construct any buildings or permanent fences situated on land belonging to the Co-op.
- forfeits any claim against the Co-op for reimbursement for improvements made to a living space. All agreements to improve a living space are made strictly between the occupant and the owner.
- has no claim to the assets and property of the Co-op.
- will be required to contribute labor and time towards the upkeep and running of the Co-op.
- will be expected to participate in community events.
- will be required to pay, when living on Co-op land:
- the normal monthly contribution, which goes toward to the expenses of the Co-op, including: property taxes, insurance, Community House utilities, snow plowing, road maintenance and mowing, etc;
- a fee for use of the dumpster, based on size of household;
- these charges will be billed monthly by the Co-op.
- has the right to participate in all discussions concerning decisions of the Co-op, but will not be counted in the final check for consensus.
- is expected to attend the majority of all business meetings,
- at first just listening to develop an understanding of the consensus process and the issues we deal with and later participating in discussions.
- over time, the AM will become a full participant in the meeting, contributing ideas that will shape the eventual decisions.
- does not have the right to have guests staying with them for longer than 30 days.
- should have a backup plan if things don’t workout at Zephyr.
Duties of Contact Persons, Associate members, Sponsors and Members
All initial inquiries about ZVCC are handled by V.P. until designated as an IP. Once someone becomes an IP a Full Member will be assigned as their Contact Person. This person will not end up being their sponsor.
Duties of Contact Person for Interested Party (IP)
Duties of Associate Members
Duties of Contact Person for Interested Party (IP)
- Invites IP to meetings, potlucks, work days, & social events.
- Communicates with IP about initial membership questions & logistics.
- Brings up the need for a sponsor at a closed meeting to secure a sponsor before the IP applies for AM status.
Duties of Associate Members
- Understand and value the consensus decision making process, and demonstrate the ability to function in the process.
- Show willingness to raise concerns and engage in the process of attaining resolution, avoiding win/lose stances.
- Be open to modifying your point of view and be willing to abide by the results.
- Have basic communication skills, especially in listening, and learn meeting skills and procedures.
- Read available literature e.g. “Creating a Life Together” by Diana Leafe Christian, books on facilitating participatory decision processes, look at Internet resources e.g. Intentional Communities" homepage, www.ic.org, or Cohousing.org
- Demonstrate respect for the community, for others and for the land.
- Become familiar with major policies e.g. housing, pets, financial responsibility, residential & wild spaces, hunting, etc., and the list of major decisions that have been made in the past. (Can be achieved by meeting with each committee)
- Participate in community life and demonstrate acceptance of mutual responsibility for upkeep of community land and buildings (especially work days).
- Attend meetings regularly.
- Take responsibility for seeing that your own social and emotional needs are met. This might include connections at ZVCC, but the expectation is that you will seek out relationships and connections in the wider community, as well.
- Talk with individual FM about questions or concerns about the Co-op.
- Reach out and get to know all the members of the community.
Duties of Sponsors
- The role of sponsor is to act as a contact person for the Associate Member, guiding them along the membership pathway. (This person is not necessarily an advocate for the AM becoming an FM.)
- Meets monthly with AM and reviews steps along the Pathway to Membership.
- Ensures that the AM clearly understands the process outlined above.
- Reminds the AM about upcoming closed-meeting & open-meeting check-ins.
- Reminds agenda builder about AM timeline and schedules upcoming check-ins.
- Checks in with full members regarding the AM’s membership, listening to concerns or possible issues as part of the reflective process.
- Facilitates discussions between Associate Member and Full Member, if concerns arise.
- Carefully reviews the membership process prior to the AM asking for Full Membership.
- Proposes Full Membership for the AM to the Co-op.
- Sponsors’ duties do NOT include finding housing, employment or acting as intermediary between the AM and other members.
Duties of Members
- Make time to communicate with IPs & AMs about:
- General “get to know you stuff”
- Views on Co-op issues
- IP/AM's suitability for the Co-op
- General “get to know you stuff”
- Fully pursue concerns members have about IPs/AMs with that individual, as early in the process as possible.
- Articulate membership concerns within a closed meeting.
Associate-to-Full Member Checklist
- Meet at least monthly with your Sponsor
- Begin building relationships with all Full Members (and other AM's if applicable):
- Get to know each and every FM/AM, individually and within the group. (What is their history? What are their visions for Zephyr? etc. These should be reciprocal conversations...)
- Read through and become familiar with the co-op's bylaws, policies, past decisions, history, visions, mission, etc.
- Attend, and participate, in as many co-op events as possible (and at least one of each): meetings, social events, potlucks, work days, etc.
- Put thought into:
- what you will do for housing at Zephyr,
- what you will do for employment,
- how you will pay your initial membership investment,
- if you will be able pay your monthly co-op fees.
- Live on the farm if at all possible
- Put considerable thought into what it would mean to you, personally, to:
- live in a very rural area (location of stores/amenities, minimal internet/cell service, minimal road maintenance, etc.)
- live on a working farm
- live and participate in an Intentional Community (and at Zephyr in particular)
- live and interact with all the current (and potential) members of Zephyr
- live and participate in consensus-based decision making (consider the length of time it takes to make decisions)
- live in the Driftless region
- Contemplate the Membership Self-Evaluation
Membership Self-Evaluation
The following questions are meant to be asked of yourself, and could be used to spark conversation with members during individual meetings. This should be considered an exercise, a starting point for determining if Zephyr Valley Community Cooperative is a good fit for you!
Intentional Community Questions
Why do you want to join an intentional community?
Do you think your personality will fit in with a consensus-based intentional community?
Have you lived in an intentional community before? What was right (and wrong) with that community experience?
Do you have experience with consensus-based decision making?
What is your comfort level in regards to consensus-based decision making models?
How do you respond when someone disagrees with you?
How easy is it for you to change your mind?
How do you respond when you do not get your way?
Zephyr Questions
Do you think your expectations of living in rural community will be met here? Why or why not?
How do you see your future living and working at Zephyr?
Do you think your lifestyle will fit in with this community?
Are your goals aligned with the community's?
Which of Zephyr's values and mission resonate with you?
One of our guiding principles is “transparency” in many areas of our lives, including financial considerations. How comfortable are you with that?
How many members have you had a chance to interact with?
Are you having trouble connecting with anyone in particular (literally or emotionally)? Why do you think that is?
How do you like it here, so far?
What do you think the pros and cons will be of living here?
Are you having any problems or concerns?
Come up with your own questions...
If you are having any issues, concerns, or problems with any policies or people, we strongly encourage you to discuss them with someone
Intentional Community Questions
Why do you want to join an intentional community?
Do you think your personality will fit in with a consensus-based intentional community?
Have you lived in an intentional community before? What was right (and wrong) with that community experience?
Do you have experience with consensus-based decision making?
What is your comfort level in regards to consensus-based decision making models?
How do you respond when someone disagrees with you?
How easy is it for you to change your mind?
How do you respond when you do not get your way?
Zephyr Questions
Do you think your expectations of living in rural community will be met here? Why or why not?
How do you see your future living and working at Zephyr?
Do you think your lifestyle will fit in with this community?
Are your goals aligned with the community's?
Which of Zephyr's values and mission resonate with you?
One of our guiding principles is “transparency” in many areas of our lives, including financial considerations. How comfortable are you with that?
How many members have you had a chance to interact with?
Are you having trouble connecting with anyone in particular (literally or emotionally)? Why do you think that is?
How do you like it here, so far?
What do you think the pros and cons will be of living here?
Are you having any problems or concerns?
Come up with your own questions...
If you are having any issues, concerns, or problems with any policies or people, we strongly encourage you to discuss them with someone
Sample Membership Timeline
Person learns about ZVCC through website, friends, IC.org, etc., and makes contact.
AM secures housing on farm or in area and increases community participation (outlined in above document)
- Attends a potluck or social event
- Expresses interest in becoming IP and continues attending events
- IP status granted at regular business meeting by quorum decision
- Contact person designated to facilitate communication about events/meetings
- Contact person designated to facilitate communication about events/meetings
- IP status granted at regular business meeting by quorum decision
- Expresses interest in becoming IP and continues attending events
- Announces interest in becoming an Associate Member
- IP begins meeting individually with Full Members to discuss possible membership
- Closed meeting occurs to discuss possible concerns or issues
- IP formally requests Associate Membership at business meeting
- AM status granted by full consensus decision
- AM status granted by full consensus decision
- IP formally requests Associate Membership at business meeting
- Closed meeting occurs to discuss possible concerns or issues
- IP begins meeting individually with Full Members to discuss possible membership
- IP→AM can take 1 month or longer
AM secures housing on farm or in area and increases community participation (outlined in above document)
- 3 months - informal check-in (“How’s it going?") at regular business meeting
- AM begins meeting individually with all FM before first 6-months is over
- AM begins meeting individually with all FM before first 6-months is over
- 6 months - closed meeting for FMs to check-in about possible concerns
- Formal check-in (“What are your thoughts about membership?”) at regular business meeting
- If not asking for full membership at this time, AM asks for extension of associate membership
- If not asking for full membership at this time, AM asks for extension of associate membership
- Formal check-in (“What are your thoughts about membership?”) at regular business meeting
- 9 months - informal check-in at regular business meeting
- 12 months - closed meeting for FMs to check-in about ongoing AM status
- Formal check-in at regular business meeting
- If not asking for full membership at this time, AM asks for extension of associate membership
- If not asking for full membership at this time, AM asks for extension of associate membership
- Formal check-in at regular business meeting
- 15 months - informal check-in at regular business meeting
- AM begins meeting individually with all FM to discuss full membership
- AM begins meeting individually with all FM to discuss full membership
- 18 months - closed meeting for FMs to check-in about full membership
- AM formally requests full membership at regular business meeting
- FM status granted by full consensus decision
- FMs live happily ever after
- FMs live happily ever after
- FM status granted by full consensus decision
- AM formally requests full membership at regular business meeting
- AM→FM can take as short as 6 months, but no longer than 18 months
- AM can request FM status at any time after the initial 6 months...