Earning a Living
You should have a clear idea of how to support yourself before moving here. Opportunities are much more limited than in a major metropolitan area. Most of us earn our living in nearby communities. Winona, Mn (population 30,000) is 15 miles away. LaCrosse, WI (pop. 75.900) is 30 miles away. Rochester, MN (pop. 93,300) is 50 miles away. Occupations of members include school administrator, information systems, community health organizer, forester, carpenters, healthcare professionals, bus drivers, and online retail.
Financial requirements
Members pay an initial fee of $10,000 per adult. This was the amount each of the original members contributed toward the purchase of the farm. This amount is refundable to departing members, but the coop may limit repayments to no more than $100 a month plus interest on the unpaid balance. Members make a monthly contribution to Zephyr expenses. This is set annually during Coop budget discussions and is currently $90 a month per member. Other charges paid by those living at Zephyr include charges for trash and recycling, averaging less than $10 a month per household, depending on the number of adults and kids.
The Financial health of the Coop
The Coop has no outstanding debt. Land and buildings are assessed at over $2 million. Our operating budget for 2021 is $28,481. 57% of this comes from members, and the rest from agricultural land and building rents, and from government conservation programs. This additional income allows us to keep member contributions low.
All land is owned by the Coop, including the footprint of the buildings. There are seven existing homes owned individually by members, which occasionally become available for resale to the new members, or rental to prospective members.
Homes may only be owned by members. This means they can only be sold to other members, and so cannot be sold on the general resale market. Most new homes have been financed through private personal assets. Coop financing is not available, nor are conventional mortgages. However, North Country Economic Development provides mortgages, and is currently financing the house of one of our members.
Homes may only be owned by members. This means they can only be sold to other members, and so cannot be sold on the general resale market. Most new homes have been financed through private personal assets. Coop financing is not available, nor are conventional mortgages. However, North Country Economic Development provides mortgages, and is currently financing the house of one of our members.